Sunday, June 24, 2012

Organized Books

Several of the teacher bloggers I follow (including Natalie Kay from What the Teacher Wants) have recently posted about a new site called The Clever School Teacher.  It was created by a fellow teacher/blogger named DeeDee from  The site sells children's books, but what makes it unique is that it has all the books organized very efficiently for teachers.  You can search books for reading and writing strategies that you teach and that are specific for your grade level. It looks like the site is still in its early stages because a lot of the categories say "coming soon."  I'm excited to see what they post for the author studies category.  This seems like it could be a great time saver and even if you didn't want to buy books, you could go there to research which books might be good for your topic.  Then you can check them out from your library. :)  Do y'all think this website will be a success?  Is it something you would use?

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