Thursday, August 9, 2012

Back to School

Whew!  I met my new class today and we start school Monday.  I always forget how busy the beginning of the year is and I found out this year how difficult preplanning is without a computer!  My work computer got a virus and was being repaired for a full 7 days!  It's really nice to finally have it back.
Anyway, I am excited about this new group of students.  I think we're going to have a great year and I really hope to incorporate a lot of the resources we've learned about through this class.  My biggest goal is to have my students work their way to having their own blog and for us to connect more with classes from around the country and world even.  If any of you want to be blogging buddies, let me know! :)  I'd like to have my kids use technology to create more this year too.  I think we could definitely do some podcasts and video blogs.  I plan to take advantage of what Flickr has to offer as well.
I'll try to update this blog with some of the activities we work on and I'd love to stay connected with all of you!

1 comment:

  1. Kaitlyn,
    Could you imagime work without a computer? I realized that I rely on it too much, when mine was down I felt lost! Haha :-)

    Good luck this year and I hope to hear about the technology that you are incorporating in your class!

