Sunday, July 29, 2012

Best Classroom Apps

We have iPads at my school, but I haven't used them a lot for their apps (more for their internet).  I guess when we try to buy apps, we have to buy them separately for each iPad?  Anyway, I have used apps on my phone a little bit with my students.  One I do use is for ClassDojo which is a behavior point type system.  I can give and take points from my students with my phone. 
Hope King hosted a link up on her blog, Second Grade Shenanigans, for the best classroom apps.  The "So App Happy Linky Party" has some good places to start if you're wanting to use your phone or iPad with your class.  The app Hope King talked about seems like a good one.  It's called Book Retriever and is a library system for your classroom.  You can scan in all your books and keep up with them when students check out and return them.  It even updates parents when their child has a book out!  The apps First Grade Garden posted also look very good and educational.  I'm looking forward to trying out more apps this year!  Are there any great ones y'all use?

1 comment:

  1. Another great resource, thanks! I am interested in all of the different apps. It was fun to look at them from someone's favorite list because there are so many out there. The library one is a great idea.
