Saturday, July 7, 2012

A New Way to Interview

Over at Free Technology for Teachers, Scott Ziegler is telling us how to interview for a teaching position is this technological age.  Since it's been four years since I've had to interview for a job, I haven't really thought about how it might be different now.  However, in the article "How to Ace Your Interview for a Teaching Position," Ziegler gives some interesting tips for proving you'll be an excellent 21st century educator.  He recommends showing the interviewer your professional social media persona, your blog, your digital portfolio, and your professional email.  Currently, the only thing I have going for me is a professional email address!  I guess I do have a couple of blogs as well.  I use one with my students, I have a personal/family blog, and now the one for this class.  Ziegler says everone should have one where they write about their professional life, so I can probably do that some with the future of this blog. 
I've never considered making a professional twitter or facebook though.  Have you?!  I'm not really sure what I would put on there, but it is something to consider.  As for the digitial portfolio, I think that's a great idea.  The author suggests creating a Glogster (or some other site) with links to student videos, web projects, Animotos, etc.  This is something I should begin working on, especially if I want to try to get a job in a different county soon.  What do I say at the interview though?  Would you mind turning on your computer and going to this site?  Or should I bring my own laptop/ipad and log on with it?  Do y'all have digital portfolios?  Do you think administrators prefer them over the old fashioned 3-ring binder portfolios?


  1. I just read this and it gave me some really great ways to amp up my e-portfolio and some other helpful professional tips! There are some great things in that article.

  2. I do not have a digital portfolio, but like you I would like to develop one........although I hope I don't ever have to look for another teaching job again, talk about frustrating and hard work! Anyway, I was wondering if you had read anything about interviewies being put through a personal profile bank before even being chosen to interview? One of my friends is a principal at a school down in Battle Creek and had mentioned that almost 600 people had applied for the position at her school and that before they could even begin the interview process the applicants were put throught personality profile and weeded down to like 60 applicants. I understand the reasoning behind such a thing, but what a bummer! People spend hours and hours creating resumes and filling out applications only to get booted from the pile before even getting seen by human eyes :(
