Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Student Blogs

This post is great for anyone who is still hesitant about starting a blog with your class.  Mrs. Patton at wrote an entry called "Blogging with students? Yes please! (Even the little ones!)."  She attended a conference about using technology to support good teaching and was very impressed with Kathy Cassidy's session on blogging with students.  Mrs. Cassidy's Classroom Blog is such a great example of how useful blogging can be.  I'm very interested in letting my students have their own blogs for this upcoming year and her site is very inspirational in how to make that happen effectively.  Mrs. Patton discusses how the blogs can be set up and how Mrs. Cassidy ensures student privacy is protected while still letting people all over the world see their digital porfolios.  Getting comments from parents, other students, and random people from around the world would be so motivational to my students and I know it would enhance their writing and effort.  I really hope I can make that happen this year, so if any of you want to stop by our blogs and leave comments, that would be great!  Check out Mrs. Cassidy's blog for some wonderful ideas and examples and head to Mrs. Patton's blog too for a nice summary.


  1. Kaitlyn,

    I hope you get to start blogs with your students. That would be such a great opportunity to have parents and other students be involved in reading them and commenting. Thanks for sharing.


  2. I love this idea, and I too hope to use blogs in my classroom next year. It was nice to see an example of blogs being used in the first grade. I must admit, it looks like a lot of work for me, but I like the home-school connection that it provides. I would hope that by the end of the year. Students would be able to post on their own. I'm going to work hard at it this year.

    Again thanks for sharing.

  3. Thanks for sharing--I tried blogs once with my class and it was a DISASTER! The log ins didn't work half the time and having an entire class on the same website really slowed down the internet. Hopefully this will inspire me to try again :)
