Sunday, July 29, 2012

Real World Math Mistakes

I always love the Jay Leno "Headlines" segment where viewers send in real-life headlines that have some sort of mistake.  Mr. Byrne at Free Technology for Teachers posted the article "Bad Math in the Real World" talking about a similar example he noticed at McDonald's that involved a math mistake!  He then discovered the Bad Maths Flickr group where people post pictures of math mistakes they find in the real world.  Showing your class one of these pictures a day could be a great way for kids to use some of their math skills.  There are pictures on the Flickr group that could be used at every level, so it is worth checking out.  It seems like something kids would enjoy and benefit from as a great skill review and connection with the real world. 


  1. Great stuff! I went to the Flickr page to check these out. I think it would be fun to give these to my students to see who can find the mistakes first. I had to look at couple of them for a minute or two to figure them out myself!

  2. I think this is a great way to keep kids on their toes in a fun and educational way. Thanks for sharing!
