Sunday, July 1, 2012

Choosing Technology

Heather Wolport-Gawron posted the article "Teachers and Tech Use: It's Time!" on edutopia.  It's sort of crazy to think about some teachers turning their back on all types of technology, but it does happen.  The author gave the example of the teacher taking her one classroom computer to the teacher's lounge for whoever wanted it.  I can even think of a few coworkers who have a hard time embracing and integrating the wonderful technological resources we have at our school.  This article focuses on persuading us that using technology in the classroom can no longer be debatable; it has to happen.  Instead of deciding whether or not to use technology, teachers need to decide how to use it and what types to use.  The author listed reasons for greater technological use and pointed out that that means more than a weekly trip to the computer lab. 
She also emphasized the importance of choice and differentiation even with technology.  She believes there should be several types of technology and that students should have choice in what they use and what they create with it. While I am a big fan of technology and use it regularly in my teaching, I very rarely let my students choose how they want to use it.  Wolport-Gawron says, "our classrooms should offer choices to students, choices of what to produce, how to produce it, with whom to produce it with, and with what tool to use." 
Do you agree with this and do you offer all of those choices to your students?

1 comment:

  1. I know quite a few teachers who use minimal technology in their classrooms. I guess I can understand why some of the older teachers may be hesitant to use computers. They have been teaching for so long and have been effective so why change? But I think it is up to the adminstrators to make sure that these teachers are being exposed to technology so they can become comfortable with it. But now schools are facing lack of funds which makes intergrating technology in the classroom hard. I am not sure how to fix that problem.
